A feature I am going to try to do each week (or month, we’ll see how it goes) is going to be a “featured product”. Something I’ve used and love and think others will as well.
For the first installment, this weeks featured product is the Cut-N-Seal. I wasn’t initially interested in this item until I saw a post where it was featured at a show that consisted primarily of mom’s. The reason it was spotlighted – crustless sandwiches. How many moms have kids who won’t eat a sandwich with the crust on it? This is actually perfect for that mom.
The Cut-N-Seal takes a new twist on the pocket sandwich by not only cutting away all of the crust with one motion, but it also seals in all the contents of the sandwich. I just made a PB&J sandwich for my son and it was beautiful. He not only ate all of it, but the clean up was minimal compared to any other time he has had a PB&J.
I’ve also been playing around with the idea of making my own ravioli and this seems like the perfect tool to help me do it. I’m still playing with it, but from what I’ve seen, it’s going to be an awesome item to have in my kitchen.